Vows written by Wild & Oak. Image by Hannah Duffy.
If you’re unable to book a registrar for your day, if your dream venue or location isn’t licensed for civil ceremonies or if you’ve got someone in mind who you just know would do a wonderful job as your celebrant, my ceremony script writing service means that you can celebrate your marriage with a truly individual occasion.
Alternatively, if you’re marrying outside of the UK and absolutely adore the thought of someone you know hosting your ceremony, let me write something beautiful for you.
I work with you initially to write your ceremony and create something that celebrates your love and your relationship in the most perfect way possible. Then, when you’re happy with the words, I’ll work with whomever you’ve chosen to host your ceremony to run through the choreography of the event, to prepare them for the occasion and to make sure that they have all the information that they need to make the ceremony truly memorable.
As always, my ceremonies start life as a blank piece of paper and together we'll write something that you'll never forget. And someone you love will be there with you as you take your vows - perfection.
An initial complimentary Zoom or phone consultation.
A Zoom call to talk about your celebration. We'll go through all of your options and discuss your plans in glorious detail.
A bespoke wedding ceremony, typically lasting 20-30 minutes, written by me just for you (I don't believe in recycling words for ceremonies so yours will be shiny and new!). I'll also help you write your own vows if you need a hand and I can also devise individual elements for your ceremony.
A rehearsal call with whomever will be conducting your ceremony to run through the choreography of the event and to answer any questions that they have. I’ll also pass on lots of helpful tips so that your ceremony shines.
All this can be yours for just £250 so why not get in touch to arrange a time to chat.